***S.21: Cannot place a symbol instance. Loading the current definition has previously been cancelled or otherwise aborted. Edit the definition to force loading. ***S.20: Inappropriate entity encountered for the Create Symbol Definition operation. The selected element is part of a compound. ***S.19: Inappropriate entity encountered for the Explode Symbol Instance operation. The selected object is not a symbol instance. ***S.18: The current library is locked. No new definitions can be created in this library. ***S.17: Inappropriate entity encountered or no entity was selected for the Create Symbol Definition operation. Allowable type is element or compound. ***S.16: One or more symbol libraries were not loaded, because libraries with the same name already exist. ***S.15: Inappropriate entity encountered for the Edit Symbol Instance operation. The selected element is not a symbol instance. ***S.14: Inappropriate entity encountered or no entity was selected for the Edit Symbol Instance operation. Allowable type is element. ***S.13: A symbol instance cannot be exploded. The symbol definition, referenced by the instance is not loaded. ***S.12: Inappropriate entity encountered for the Edit Symbol Instance operation. The selected object is not a symbol instance. ***S.11: Inappropriate entity encountered or no entity was selected for the Edit Symbol Instance operation. Allowable type is object. ***S.10: The four point symbol placement method requires four unique points. ***S.9: Cannot place a symbol instance using the four point method. The origin and scale point of the current symbol definition have identical x, y or z values. Edit the current symbol definition and change the scale point. ***S.8: The two point symbol placement method requires two unique points. ***S.7: Cannot place a symbol instance using the two point method. The origin and scale point of the current symbol definition have identical x values. Edit the current symbol definition and change the scale point. ***S.6: Cannot place a symbol instance. The selected detail level is not defined in the current definition. ***S.5: Cannot place a symbol instance. The current library does not contain any symbol definitions. ***S.4: Cannot place a symbol instance. No symbol libraries are currently loaded. Create a new library or load an existing library first. ***S.3: A symbol instance cannot be mirrored with the "Relative To Reference Plane" option selected. ***S.2: Inappropriate entity encountered or no entity was selected for the Create Symbol Definition operation. Allowable type is object or group. ***S.1: Cannot create a symbol definition. No symbol libraries are currently loaded. Create a new library or load an existing library first.